Why a Garage Door Reverses Before Hitting the Ground
Troubleshooting Tips for a Reversing Overhead Door
Automatic garage doors are a great convenience, except when something goes wrong. It can be a big problem when your garage door stops working correctly, such as reversing before hitting the ground. That can be both frustrating and concerning.
Cheney Door Company has Kansas’ locally owned garage door company since 1971. Our team of experts have dealt with every type of problem. We have some tips for homeowners who are dealing with a garage door that reverses before hitting the ground.
Why is My Garage Door Going Back Up?
When your garage door reverses before reaching the floor, it’s a safety feature in action. Garage door openers have sensors that detect objects or obstructions in the door’s path. When the sensor detects an obstruction, the opener’s safety mechanism triggers the auto reverse feature. That prevents the overhead door from closing on anything in its way.
While this feature is designed to protect you, it can also be triggered by various factors, such as:
- The most common reason for unintended reversals is sensor misalignment. Garage door openers typically have two sensors mounted on either side of the door near the ground. These sensors communicate with each other through an invisible beam. If this beam is interrupted due to misalignment, dirt, or damage to the sensors, the opener will reverse the door as a safety precaution.
- There are obstructions in the path. Objects, debris, or even snow and ice can obstruct the path of the garage door. Even a small object, like a toy or tool left in the way, can trigger the safety reversal mechanism.
- Over time, sensors can wear out or become damaged. A sensor with a malfunction may give false readings and cause the door to reverse.
- You may have a misadjusted limit switch. The limit switch on your garage door opener controls how far the door should travel when opening or closing. If the limit switch is misadjusted, it can cause the door to reverse prematurely.
- Faulty or damaged wiring in the garage door opener system can lead to signal interruptions, which in turn can trigger unintended reversals.
How to Fix a Garage Door that is Reversing
- Start by checking the alignment of the sensors. Ensure they are facing each other without any obstructions in the path of the sensor beams. Clean the sensor lenses if they are dirty, and gently adjust their position if necessary.
- Regularly inspect the area around your garage door for obstructions and remove any objects or debris that might be triggering the safety reversal.
- If the sensors themselves are damaged or malfunctioning, it’s best to consult with a professional technician to replace or repair them.
- Adjusting the limit switch should be left to a professional, as it requires precise adjustments to ensure the door closes and opens properly.
- If you suspect wiring issues, consult with a technician to perform a thorough inspection and address any problems.
A garage door that reverses before hitting the ground is a safety feature designed to protect you and your property. While it can be frustrating, understanding the common causes and taking the appropriate steps to address them can help ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of your garage door.
Professional Repair in Kansas
If you’re unsure how to proceed, contact Cheney Door Company for an expert service professional for garage door repair and assistance.
Check out this great 5-star review given to Cheney Door Company for a quick and successful garage door service.
Your safety is our priority, and we’re here to help you keep your garage door in top condition. Give us a call at the Cheney Door Company location nearest you.